Arlette Bonafont is an independent Canadian scholar who specializes in the fiction and poetry of the French Enlightenment.
Valeriu Butulescu is a renowned Romanian author, politician, and a mineralogist. He has published extensively within the genres of the aphorism, drama, and short prose. He has been translated into 32 languages.
Erin Clark is an award winning non-fiction writer, Canadian world traveler and artist. She is the current world record and gold medal holder for wheelchair parapole and two-time Spanish national champion.
Mark Daniel Cohen is a freelance author who writes regularly on art in New York City, with over 400 articles, art reviews, and essays on contemporary art and aesthetics in publication in a variety of art exhibition catalogues and commercial, university, and art school journals. He is also the Assistant Dean and Controller of the Media and Communications Division of the European Graduate School, and editor and principal writer for the academic journal Hyperion: On the Future of Aesthetics. Among his books, he has recently completed Ilan Averbuch: Public Projects and The Judenporzellan of Izhar Patkin, and has contributed chapters to Chawky Frenn: Art for Life’s Sake, Abstraction in the Elements, The Archeology of the Soul, and the second edition of Dictionary of the Avant Gardes. He is currently working on several volumes, including Treatise on Poetic Reason. Together with Dr. Friedrich Ulfers, Cohen is preparing a book of Nietzsche’s ontology and cosmology, and the Eternal Recurrence of the Same viewed from a scientific perspective. Together, they have recently published several essays: “Nietzsche’s Amor Fati: The Embracing of an Undecided Fate,” published on the website of the Nietzsche Circle; “Friedrich Nietzsche as a Bridge from 19th Century Atomistic Science to the Process Philosophy of 20th Century Physics, Literature, and Ethics”; “Nietzsche’s Ontological Roots in Goethe’s Classicism,” which appears in the volume Nietzsche and Antiquity, edited by Paul Bishop; “Nietzsche’s ‘Postmodernism’: A Return to ‘Classicism'”; and “The Effect of Nietzsche’s Aesthetics on the Art of the Twentieth Century.”
Gian DiDonna is a playwright and teacher of English Literature, Dramatic Literature, Playwriting, and Acting. He is also an instructor of American Studies at the College of Staten Island/CUNY. His full length plays include the following titles: Only Too Far Punished, A Sinister Man, The Night Trombone, Addolorata, Juan and Baruch, Renati the King, and The Chi. Short plays: Georgia, Water. Children’s plays: Gelato, The Tale of Three Moons. Screenplay: The Hot Corner. Awards and Recognitions: Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation Grant. CUNY Development Grant. Last Frontier New Play Lab Competition: Finalist. Gian DiDonna received his MFA in Playwriting from Goddard College, Vermont (1999), his BA from The New School (Eugene Lang College) (1988), and was trained as an actor at The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (1993-94).
Camelia Elias, PhD & Dr.Phil., is a former university professor. After 20 years in academia, she left her career to pursue her interests in teaching and writing on the philosophy and practice of reading cards. In addition to still acting as editor-in-chief of EyeCorner Press, she currently works with contemplative arts, oracular language, and martial arts cartomancy and Zen at her own school, Aradia Academy. Visit her work at cameliaelias.com
Enrique Enriquez (Caracas, 1969) is a tarot reader. His work with the Marseille Tarot hasn’t granted him any award, monetary compensation nor any other form of prestige whatsoever. He is not affiliated with any respectable institutions. He doesn’t know important people nor can he be associated with any celebrity. Thanks of this persistent state of dereliction he has been able to develop a deep understanding of the tarot’s poetics, without having to endure the distractions of fame and derailments of success. He lives in New York with his wife and his three kids.
Robert Gibbons recently had two volumes of prose poems, This Time and Traveling Companion, published by Nine Point Publishing. Dennis Daly wrote in the Boston Small Press and Poetry Scene, “As I read through Robert Gibbons’ lengthy book of prose poems, This Time, I felt transported from page to page… Gibbons… has revolutionized the form…” The author’s work can be read on a weekly basis online at The Killing Floor in Boston.
David Gordon is Emeritus Professor of English at the City University of New York. His work has been concerned with 19th and 20th century literary modes and with Freudian psychoanalysis.
John Granrose is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and a Jungian analyst. He taught in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Georgia. He was also Director of Studies at the Jung Institute in Zürich. Currently he lives in North Yorkshire, England.
Julian Haladyn is an art historian, cultural theorist and Assistant Professor at OCAD University in Toronto, Canada. His writings on art and theory have appeared in numerous publications. He is the author of several books, including The Hypothetical (2020), Duchamp, Aesthetics, and Capitalism (2019), Aganetha Dyck: The Power of the Small (2017), Boredom and Art: Passions of the Will To Boredom (2014), and Marcel Duchamp: Étant donnés (2010). In addition, he is co-editor of Community of Images: Strategies of Appropriation in Canadian Art, 1977-1990 (with Janice Gurney 2022) and the Boredom Studies Reader (with Michael E. Gardiner 2016).
Rainer J. Hanshe was born in Tehran, Iran, and raised in New York. He migrates between New York, Turkey, Morocco, France, and Italy. He writes novels, aphorisms, poetry, and essays. For some time, he worked as an assistant to photographer Nan Goldin. He is a co-founder of the Nietzsche Circle and serves as one of the editors of its journal, The Agonist. Along with Mark Daniel Cohen, he is a chief editor of Hyperion: On the Future of Aesthetics. His second novel THE ABDICATION has just appeared, and ALIEN & ILLOGICAL POWERS, a philosophical work that concerns synaesthesia, incubation, poetics, and some esoteric dimensions of Nietzsche’s thought is well on its way.
Calum Hazell is a writer, artist, and researcher. Recent publications include 14 Stock Frequencies: Variations on the & Manifold (Lincoln: Centre for Experimental Ontology, 2022), Continent (London: Earthbound, 2022), Phosphene Tribute Act (London: slub, 2022), “Thinking-with the human that we are and that we therefore are not: Non-anthropocentric anthropomorphism at a thousand concrete worlds” (Oscillations, Issue 2: The Human Hologram), and “Speaking-in-the-last-instance: Non-Standard Usage, Superposition, and the (H)interlinguistic State” (Philo-Fictions, La revue des non-philosophies: N°5: Énergie, un sort à défendre, Paris : ONPhI Editions, 2022). Calum can be contacted via calum.hazell.2017@rhul.live.ac.uk.
Named one of “50 to watch” in a 2007 issue of The Dramatist, the magazine of the Dramatist’s Guild, George Hunka has written several plays and essays, as well as reviews, theory and feature stories about theatre for the Guardian (UK), Yale Theatre, The New York Times, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, New York Theater Review 2007, Masthead(Australia), and other publications. He guest-edited the theatre section of The Brooklyn Railfor a special symposium on theatre and design in November 2006. He is the artistic director of the theatre minima theatre company. In 2007, he was awarded an Albee Foundation Fellowship.
Anthony Johnson is currently Professor of Philology and Head of the Department of English at the Åbo Akademi in Turku, Finland. Books include Ben Jonson: Poetry and Architecture (Oxford: 1994) and Three Volumes Annotated by Inigo Jones: Vasari’s ‘Lives’ (1568), Plutarch’s ‘Moralia’ (1614), Plato’s ‘Republic’ (1554), ed. with an introduction, A. W. Johnson (Åbo: 1997), an edition of The Country Captain, by William Cavendish, Earl of Newcastle (Oxford: Clarendon Press). His is currently completing a book on Ben Jonson for the Writers and their Works New Series, producing an edition of a previously unpublished long poem from 1669 (the Fasti Cantuarienses of John Boys), and editing a collection of essays: Alchemy and the Literary Imagination (forthcoming): as well as a book (with Professor Roger D. Sell): Religion and Writing in England 1558–1689: Studies in Community-Making and Cultural Memory for Ashgate (forthcoming, 2008).
Steven Joyce was born and raised in Green Bay, Wisconsin and received his Ph.D in comparative literature from UNC Chapel Hill. He is currently an Associate Professor of German at the Ohio State University-Mansfield. His interests are in Thomas Bernhard, G.B. Shaw, literary theory, translation, and the Ancient Greeks.
Maria Kardaun is a senior lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Arts and Social Studies, Maastricht University, The Netherlands. Studied Latin and Greek at Leiden University (1987, cum laude). Gained PhD in 1993 with a psychoanalytic (Freudian) interpretation of the Satyricon of Petronius. Wrote a monography on the concept of ‘mimesis’ in Greek philosophy for the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (1993), and many articles of (mainly) Jungian literary criticism. Together with her colleague Joke Spruyt she edited The Winged Chariot: Collected Essays on Plato & Platonism in Honour of L.M. de Rijk, Leiden etc.: Brill 2000 (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, vol. 100). Recurring themes in her work are: theoretical aspects of literary criticism, mythology, philosophy of art, Platonism, Romantic German poetry (Goethe, Herder, Eichendorff), depth psychological bible interpretation, dreams in mythology and religion.
David Kilpatrick is Associate Professor of Literature, Language and Communication at Mercy College, NY. He earned his Ph.D. in comparative literature and M.A. in philosophy at Binghamton (SUNY). His areas of specialization are violence and representation, modernism, history of drama and the theory of criticism. He has published on Nietzsche, Bataille, Mishima, Nitsch, Barker, and is a theater critic for The Brooklyn Rail.
Richard Krause drove a taxi for five years in New York City and taught English in Japan for nine years. At present he lives with his family in Kentucky where he teaches at Somerset Community College. His stories have recently appeared in J Journal, The Alembic, and The Long Story. In 2003 Livingston Press published his short story collection titled Studies in Insignificance. His epigrams have been published in Fraglit, Hotel Amerika, and have been translated into Italian at Aforisticamente.
Todd Landman is Professor of Government and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Essex. He has published numerous books, articles, and chapters on the politics of development, democracy and human rights. He has travelled to over 35 countries working on a variety of training and capacity building projects for national and international public and private organisations. He appears regularly in the media, at public events, and as an entertainer. He combines his interest in philosophy, history, politics, science, magic and the unknown to provide a unique form of mystery entertainment. He is Founder of the British Society of Mystery Entertainers, Associate Member of the Inner Magic Circle with Silver Star (AIMC), Member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and Visiting Professor of Performance Magic at the University of Huddersfield.
A. Robert Lee was Professor in the English department at Nihon University 1997-2011. British-born, he previously taught at the University of Kent, UK. His creative work includes Japan Textures: Sight and Word, with Mark Gresham (2007), Tokyo Commute: Japanese Customs and Way of Life Viewed from the Odakyu Line (2011), and the verse collections Ars Geographica: Maps and Compasses(2012),Portrait and Landscape: Further Geographies (2013), Imaginarium: Sightings, Galleries, Sightlines(2013),Americas: Selected Verse and Vignette (2015), and Off Course: Roundabouts and Deviations(2016).
Among his academic publications are Multicultural American Literature: Comparative Black, Native, Latino/a and Asian American Fictions (2003), which won the American Book Award in 2004, andModern American Counter Writing: Beats, Outriders, Ethnics (2010). Currently he lives in Murcia, Spain.
Professor & Director, Common Core; Affiliate Faculty, Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong. He is also Honorary Professor of the Center for Humanities and Medicine, University of Hong Kong (2010-13). He is interested in cross-disciplinary and cross-genre connections, focusing on questions of aesthetics, spectrality, technocultures, global noir, and the 21st century university. He is interested in, among a host of other things, cafés, ghosts, cities, hotel keys, the posthuman, painting, and the enigma of reading.
Tom Pepper teaches English at Southern Connecticut State University. He has a Ph.D. in English from the Stony Brook University, and is a graduate student in counseling psychology, as well as pursuing a further degree in mathematics. A completely amateur Buddhist, who has never been a monk in any tradition, Tom is a member and associate teacher at the Buddhist Faith Fellowship of Connecticut, where he teaches Buddhist Sunday School and helps lead study groups for newcomers to Buddhism.
Prem Poddar is Professor in Cultural Encounters at Roskilde University. He has worked as an academic in Berlin, Southampton, Cambridge, Aarhus, London, Sussex, Kolkata and Darjeeling. He got his first degree in English, Philosophy and Political Science in the Himalayan borderlands. His second was in the plains of Bengal before he moved to a women’s college in Massachusetts to do American Studies. His Ph.D (acquired in India) is on the appropriations of Bakhtin’s theories in the UK and US. His D.Phil (from Sussex) is on postcolonial theory and cultural history with a focus on South Asia and Britain. His publications have reflected some of these areas. His continuing interest in ‘state’ and ‘nation’ as conceptual contexts for analysing cultural representation has led him to his current work on two monographs: 1. Politics of the Passport and 2. Writing the Eastern Himalayas. Apart from these concerns he is also currently thinking through a few Thai films, which will eventually expand into a book on East Asian Cinemas.
Rachel Pollack is the author of thirty-four books of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, including two award-winning novels and several landmark studies of the symbolism in tarot cards. Her works have appeared all over the world, in fourteen languages. She has lectured and taught all across North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Matthew Schultz, PhD is the Writing Center Director at Vassar College where he teaches Irish Studies, Literary Modernism, and composition for the English Department and Media Studies Program.
Musician, Speculator, Writer. Lives In Switzerland and Germany.
Caridad Svich is a US Latina playwright, translator, songwriter and lyricist and editor whose theatre pieces and songs, written in English and Spanish, have been presented across the US and abroad at diverse venues. She has been short-listed for the PEN Award in Drama three times, including in the year 2010 for her play Instructions for Breathing. She’s been a Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Fellow at Harvard University, NEA/TCG Playwright in Residence at the Mark Taper Forum Theatre, TCG/PEW Playwright in Residence at INTAR.
Bent Sørensen has a PhD in American Literature and Culture from Aalborg University, where he was Associate Professor of English. He taught 20th and 21st century American literature, cultural studies and theory, and various writing classes in the interdisciplinary Department of Culture and Global Studies. Currently he is affiliated with Aradia Academy.
Yunus Tuncel, Ph.D., is a co-founder of the Nietzsche Circle based in New York City and serves on its Board of Directors and the Editorial Board of its electronic journal, The Agonist. Tuncel has been teaching philosophy at the New School University’s General Studies Division since 1999. He also teaches at NYU and Pace University. In addition to typical philosophy classes, he teaches inter-disciplinary topical classes on power, taboo & transgression, gai saber & the troubadours, crime & punishment, and spectacle. In addition to Nietzsche and history of philosophy, he is interested in the twentieth century French thought. His first Philomobile class, which was on Nietzsche, was undertaken in May 2010. His areas of research are art, culture, myth, and spectacle. He is interested in the fusion of art (all forms of art) and philosophy in various cultural formations.
David Vine is a writer, translator, instructor, and independent tarot scholar with extensive training in modern and classical languages, and in medieval literature and art history. As a teacher and the author of a monthly print column, Vine offers fresh takes on tarot history and practice through the lens of linguistics and the grammar of imagery. His forthcoming works include several English translations of seminal tarot texts.
Glenn Wallis holds a PhD in Buddhist Studies from Harvard University’s Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Prior to that, he studied at the renowned Institute for Indology and Buddhist Studies at the University of Göttingen, Germany. Wallis has published widely on various aspects of Buddhism. His books are A Critique of Western Buddhism: Ruins of the Buddhist Real (Bloomsbury Academic); Cruel Theory|Sublime Practice: Toward a Revaluation of Buddhism (with contributions from Tom Pepper and Matthias Steingass) (EyeCorner Press); Buddhavacana: A Pali Reader (Pariyatti Press); Basic Teachings of the Buddha (Random House Modern Library); The Dhammapada: Verses on the Way (Random House Modern Library); Mediating the Power of Buddhas: Ritual in the Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa (SUNY Press); How to Fix Education: A Handbook for Direct Action (Warbler Press); and, most recently, An Anarchist’s Manifesto (Warbler Press).
Wallis taught in the religion departments of Brown University, Bowdoin College, and the University of Georgia. In 2006, he gave up tenure to initiate an innovative meditation program at the newly formed Won Institute of Graduate Studies, near Philadelphia. The program trained professionals (teachers, psychologists, nurses, social workers, etc.) to incorporate meditation programs into their work. It emphasized the interconnected necessity for individual and collective solutions to social ills.
Chad Weidner holds a PhD in English, and is Assistant Professor at University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University, in the Netherlands. He has published on ecocriticism, experimental aesthetics, Dadaist film, Burroughs, and other Beat writers.
In the first half of the nineteenth century, a number of French forgers published texts purporting to have been written by historical personalities. To name but a few: Étienne-Léon de Lamothe-Langon, Amédée Pichot and Henri Ferrier offered the reading publicMemoirs of an Aristocratic Lady; Lamothe-Langon, Pichot and Charles Nodier co-authored Mémoires d’une femme de qualité sur Louis XVIII, la cour et son règne; and in 1829-30 the well-known diplomat de Villamarest published the ten-volume Monsieur Bourienne’s Memoirs of Napoleon, the Directory, the Consulate, the Empire, and the Restoration, presenting it as an account of the life of Napoleon penned by his own minister. Little is known about the writer who adopted the nom de plume ‘Madame X,’ but she was evidently a forerunner of these notorious hoaxers.