Scents and divination
On writing a book whose research requires smelling worlds and words.
Goetic stories
Observing magic in the days surrounding the launch of Andromalius
The Book as a Talisman
On the power of the books that make direct transmissions and how to create a convincing talisman.
The Devil’s Whisper
The Devil’s whisper or what Andromalius, Bach, Paco de Lucia and Yehudi Menuhin have in common.
Speech Acts
‘I’ve said what I wanted to say.’ A good speech act.
Marginalia. When a reader sends your book back to you. As an art gift.
Halloween for Typography
Halloween, when you exact justice and revenge or otherwise swoon in the presence of typography and fine books.
On racing cars, likes and dislikes, and what’s not to like in What is Not.
Passions of the Heart
What are the conditions for knowing the heart of man? Tarot for Romeo and Juliet by Camelia Elias offers some insight.
Marseille Tarot in Spanish
In the works and done, the Spanish translation of Marseille Tarot: Towards the Art of Reading.
Form or Transform
How good is the fortuneteller who doesn’t put her clients on the spot?
A thought on self-reference.

Which one to read first?
The importance of sequence in reading books in the same category.
A thought on what the fortuneteller transacts with.

The Read Like the Devil Trilogy
The massive cartomancy trilogy under the signature Read Like the Devil by Camelia Elias is now complete.
Pocket, Fat, and Magic Books
Pocket, fat, magic, and witchy books get together in a cavalcade of sounds.
Jean Grolier
On Jean Grolier’s advice to typographers.
A thought on what makes a reader of the cards interesting.

Not spiritual
The fortuneteller is not spiritual. She is Zen.
The Oxford Don
A reflection on belonging and how to make yourself dumb, the day after the defence of In Cite: Epistemologies of Creative Writing.