In this book Camelia Elias offers ten examples of reading the six-card draw with the Marseille Tarot. The topic is the theme of choice and the common thread that runs through it is the question of what is at stake when we compare situations.
With her usual read like the Devil aplomb, Elias recalls the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, deconstructs the paradox of choice and memory, and tells the story of reading cards for the local Lutheran priest.
This book comes in three editions: an unlimited paperback and ebook editions and a limited paperback edition of 53 copies crafted as a talisman. The talisman edition is sold out. Get the other available editions here.
4.73 x 8.27” | B&W illustrations | 118 pp
ISBN 978-8792633965 paperback
ISBN 978-87926339782 ebook
Special edition 2023 I Sold out
Standard paperback 2023 | $17.50
Ebook 2023 | $12
Issued in the Fine Print editions focussing on one technical aspect in cartomancy.

This is a fun book to work with (ChatGPT even got its name mentioned!), and an intriguing way to look inside the mind of this amazing author/teacher/consultant/tarotist. — BONNIE CEHOVET, Goodreads
I have just finished this book. It’s excellent. The author’s claim that choices are based on memory and an imagined future is not one that I can convincingly refute. This alone is enough for me to stop pretending that I choose rationally. — JONATHAN DRAPER, Tarot with John on Instagram